- Unknown therapist
Their second foray into the dungeon ended even worse than their first.
After nearly getting devoured by rust monsters in episode 4 (I guess they really wouldn’t have been eaten by the rust monsters, just murdered, as the characters aren’t actually made of metal) our intrepid gang of rogues made it as far as room 4a, at which point I confronted them with the illusion of an absurdly huge rust monster. It’s not actually in the adventure, but I thought it would be funny, and since this game is primarily for my amusement, as far as I can tell anyway, I threw the giant, illusionary rust monster in just to remind them of last week’s fiasco.
I may have overestimated their collective wisdom, and underestimated my powers.
By the time they stopped running they had descended 3 staircases and were on level 4 of the dungeon, where they were promptly eaten by a black pudding.
So, if you have a second and aren’t reading this at work (at least not at the Pandemonium Warehouse, I actually don’t care if you goof off at your job as long as you aren’t working here) take a second to pour one out, or shed a tear, as is your wont, for Nick the Quick, Sam the Stabby, Abby the Eye Stabber, and Bob, all of whom were melted down and consumed by Edgar, the black pudding assigned to room 4c.
So tune in next week where we do session zero, the sequel. Hopefully the dingbats manage to balance the party out a bit this time.
In the meantime, you might want to spend a minute or two, as I did, wondering which game designer sat down to create a monster and came up with a black pudding, and whether said designer ever ended up at an appropriate institution or is still wandering the streets.