Behind the DM Screen

Join Jon Ciccolini, B&G founder and DM-in-Residence, as he recounts the highs and lows of his current campaign and gives a little DM advice along the way.

These thoughts are solely Jon Ciccolini's and do not represent Beadle & Grimm's or Wizards of the Coast.

Session 2: Cure Wounds

Session 2: Cure Wounds

The healing powers of gaming There have been some tough times for my players this year. One lost a father. One is dealing with health issues with both parents. Another... Read More


Please know this blog is not about summarizing what happened in the session. So I won’t be giving all of the story beats. I’ll give enough to orient you on... Read More
Intro & Session 0

Intro & Session 0

Join me as I talk about roleplaying, combat, min/maxing, and all things D&D through the lens of my Phandelver and Below campaign.