Realize your full potential as a Rogue with these leveled-up dice sets from Beadle & Grimm’s. Each set contains beautiful resin dice specific to your role, and those dice will roll beautifully in the large, EVA-lined tins that double as rolling trays! Pick the lock on this tin to reveal 16 dice in two distinct styles, with tons of d6s for stabbing and extra d20s to strike from the shadows with advantage.
For years I have drooled over the amazing tiered editions of content Beadle and Grimms creates and now finally I have some of their amazing work. The gold edition of Eberron is stuffed to the brim of wonderful and helpful things for the dungeon master and players in this campaign setting.
I can’t wait to share and play Eberron with my friends now.
Perfect for fans of early D&D. Quality dice, if not spectacular. The coins are very nice and work for your D2😉. The cards show highlights from the module and along with the box give a great vibe - especially if you’re playing an updated version of said module!